Assignment 2 Report - AR

  • Introduction

The software "Visitor cool" is an Android mobile app that allows users to browse tourist attractions through AR technology quickly. Visitor cool allows users to scan pictures of sites to quickly get basic information about them and a 360-degree rotatable 3D model of their appearance. At the same time, it is accompanied by background music to give travelers a sense of immersion. The purpose is to allow visitors to rationalize their route and explore the attractions they want to visit before they even enter the scenic spot. Alternatively, tourists who do not have enough time can also do an online tour through this app to avoid regrets. Also, this function based on augmented reality can attract more visitors to the attractions

  • Description of the application

Visitor cool allows visitors to have a detailed understanding of the whole attraction when they get the attraction brochure at the visitor center. Based on my design, visitors can see the site descriptions and 3D rotatable models of the Pyramids and Sphinx in the attraction brochure. Visitors can scan the pictures of the brochure to get the above information through the camera on their cell phone. This can help visitors manage their time and itinerary better and attract more visitors. First, tourists who are already in the scenic spot can scan the attraction's brochure through the app before they go in to understand the pyramids and the Sphinx better because AR allows users to face to face with the model directly. Secondly, these attraction brochures are usually available in local hotels, usually placed in the room or at the front desk information center. Tourists scan the brochures from their phones at the hotel as a way to attract more people to spend money and explore the actual attractions. For the most part, AR technology is a novelty. It is the equivalent of bringing the facts face-to-face to our users. This is something that paper versions of brochures or short videos and pictures cannot do, giving users an extraordinary experience. The design of the Android terminal inside AR is based on people's daily habits. For tourists, cell phones are convenient to carry and use, light, and easy to use. AR technology uses the power of augmented reality immersion to make attractions and visitors more interactive. By using the AR Classic brochure, instead of staring at a superficial or boring two-dimensional printed paper covered with text, visitors can still see the 360-degree appearance of the attraction and the introduction of the attraction in 3D. They are giving travelers a better travel experience.

  • Interaction Design



In my design, there are four types of interactions involved.


1. A UI Button that can display text

2. A UI Button that can rotate the 3D model

3. A background music

4. A real 3D model (Pyramids and Sphinx)

 As I mentioned in the application description section, AR technology gives visitors a better travel experience and interactivity. With two simple buttons (one to display text and one to rotate the 3D model 360 degrees), visitors can instantly feel good about the attraction. Moreover, it gives visitors an excellent interactive and unique augmented reality experience before they even arrive at the attraction.

  • Technical Development 

  I used the UI Button instead of the virtual button in the software development process to give the customer a better experience. The main reason is that the virtual button is relatively slow in reaction speed and focus time in my actual design and operation, and there is no way to give a real-time or fast reaction. Compared to the UI Button, he will be directly displayed on the phone screen. When the user presses the button can quickly carry out the expected interaction design response, such as displaying the introduction of attractions, when the user clicks the button again to close this function.

  • Descriptions of 3D models


I used two 3D models, one for the pyramids and one for the Sphinx. Both are more realistic models, which can give users a better experience.

  • Reference Lists:


3D Module:


UI Button:

 Audio Source:

 Target Image sources:









Jie Yin Final version kit724 assigment 2 - AR.apk 41 MB
Aug 21, 2022
sphinx.jpeg 175 kB
Aug 21, 2022
pyramid.jpeg 490 kB
Aug 21, 2022
screen record-final.mp4 5.6 MB
Aug 21, 2022

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